Learn To Solder Kit - Level 1


Learn to Solder Kit - Level 1

Introducing our Level 1 learn to solder kits. These Kits are the first in a series of Learn to Solder projects we will be fielding to introduce you to and advance your soldering skills. In this level 1 kit you will learn the basics of soldering while using through hole components which when combined will allow you to turn on a LED by pushing its corresponding button. Instructions for assembling the kits are printed on the back of the PCB. Also you will find a diagram of a through hole LED which must be wired correctly for the circuit to work properly.

since the LED's are the last to be solder on (IF you follow the directions) you can manually add them BEFORE soldering to test the circuit is working properly. I suggest trusting our instructions BUT VERIFY by testing the LED before you solder.

- CR2032 Battery - CR2032 Through Hole Battery Holder - Through Hole On / Off Switch - Green LED - Red LED - Blue LED - 3x Push Button Normally off Buttons

Each Board is 56mm x 68mm and 1.6mm thick

.LINKS - GitHub [Github page](https://github.com/BadgePiratesLLC) - Youtube [YouTube Channel](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRVegJ2Y7m-8vIXnG0BIhyw/featured/) - Tindie Store [Tindie Store](https://www.tindie.com/stores/badgepirates/)
Written on January 31, 2023